Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Client Visit - Baptist St. Anthony's Health System

Early this month, Joshua Bell made a scheduled product development visit to Baptist St. Anthony’s Health System (Amarillo, Texas). Recently, BSA adopted a new focus aimed towards improving the patient's experience. They realized that patients have choices, so BSA launched anew hospital-wide policy of "It isn't about you; it is all about the Patient." One of the primary goals was to increase patient satisfaction within their facilities. Through patient questionnaires, BSA found their largest area of complaint: long wait times. Long wait times are a universal complaint that companies from local coffee houses to hospitals have to think about and adapt to in order to keep customers happy. BSA performs just over 6,000 inpatient and nearly 7,000 outpatient surgeries a year, and wanted to shrink the amount of time each patient spends in the workflow while ensuring a high level of care. Using Unibased's RMS, BSAcut the average time a patient spends in Pre-Admission Testing (PAT) by approximately 50%, helping cut down the overall time a patient spends in the workflow. That is a spectacular number, and a great example of utilizing our solutions to achieve corporate goals. If you would like to evaluate your current usage of RMS or ORMS to identify areas in which you can leverage our solutions, contact:

Joshua Bell RN, CNOR ext. 149
Peggy Pittenger ext. 147
Cynthia Borders ext. 120

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